Flappy Bird using Neural Network
"MyBatis is a first class persistence framework with support for custom SQL, stored procedures and advanced mappings. MyBatis eliminates almost all of the JDBC code and manual setting of parameters…
– Download spring-tool-suite-3.9.0.RELEASE-e4.7.0-win32-x86_64.zip und entpacken nach C:\Spring – C:\Spring\spring-tool-suite-3.9.0.RELEASE-e4.7.0-win32-x86_64\sts-3.9.0.RELEASE\STS.exe starten – Workspace C:\Spring\workspace-sts-3.9.0.RELEASE anlegen – Menüpunkt File/New/Spring Starter Project ausführen So entwickelt man REST-Services Guide to Spring Boot REST API…
"Tablesaw is like an open-source Java power tool for data manipulation with hooks for interactive visualization, analytics, and machine learning." https://dzone.com/articles/learn-data-science-with-java-and-tablesaw https://jtablesaw.wordpress.com/ https://github.com/jtablesaw/tablesaw
PHP Fatal error: PHP Startup: apc_shm_create: shmget(0, 67108864, 914) failed: Invalid argument. It is possible that the chosen SHM segment size is higher than the operation system allows. Linux has…
The article How to Create Charts Using JSF PrimeFaces Portlets for Liferay 7 CE is a quick tutorial on how to create charts using PrimeFaces in Liferay portlets.
Download Tools from here. Start LockoutStatus.exe and on the File menu, use Select target. Type the user name and hit enter. To Unlock the Account, right click and select Unlock.…
Unter http://students.brown.edu/seeing-theory/ findet sich eine visuelle Einführung in die Grundlagen der Statistik. Verschiedene interaktive Anleitungen veranschaulichen grundlegende Zusammenhänge. Sehenswert!